Photo Contest
Join our photo contest and win $500 🤞🏻
Contest of the Month: Color Juniper
Juniper is often associated with shades of green or blue-green, as it is the name of a plant that typically has green or bluish-green foliage. Upload at least one photo containing this color (you can nominate up to 3 images). All submissions will be judged on quality, creativity and originality. The winner will receive $500.
Join the contest and win $500
- If you are new here create account or log in.
- Let us know what image you would like to nominate (up to 3 images per author).
- At the end of the month we choose the best photo and announce the winner.
- We will contact the winner who will receive $500 via PayPal.
- You must be the original author.
- You must own the rights to any photo you want to upload.
- Uploaded images will be published under Creative Commons Zero license.
- Submissions will be judged on quality, creativity and originality.
- No violent, nude or hate content.