A mossy tree in a mossy autumn forest. Branchy tree in moss. Autumn mossy branchy tree. Mossy branchy tree • Royalty Free Stock Photo

Royalty Free Stock Image from Shutterstock 2160885057 by Nikolay Zaborskikh

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Shutterstock ID 2160885057
Added May 26, 2022 (1 year ago)
Ratio 1.75
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Med size (JPG) 1000 x 571 px, 0.6 Mb, 300 DPI
Small size (JPG) 500 x 286 px, 0.2 Mb, 300 DPI
Huge size (JPG) 2800 x 1600 px, 4.2 Mb, 300 DPI

Categories: Nature Parks/Outdoor

Forest Branch branch branch branch tree Moss moss moss moss greeny Moss moss moss moss greens Branches branches branches branches branches Scenery Branchy branchy branchy branchy trees Mossy mossy mossy mossy green Mist Branchy branchy branchy branchy tree Branches branches branches branches tree Fall Leaves Fairytale Moss moss moss moss moss Wood Branch branch branch branch trees Day Fairy Park Branches branches branches branches trees Branch branch branch branch forest Branchy branchy branchy branchy branchy Green Natural Nature Branchy branchy branchy branchy woods Tree Moss moss moss moss green Branches branches branches branches forrest Branch branch branch branch branch Environment Outdoors Mossy mossy mossy mossy mossy Background Mossy mossy mossy mossy greens Plant Mossy mossy mossy mossy greeny Autumn Landscape Fog

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Forest Branch branch branch branch tree Moss moss moss moss greeny Moss moss moss moss greens Branches branches branches branches branches Scenery Branchy branchy branchy branchy trees Mossy mossy mossy mossy green Mist Branchy branchy branchy branchy tree Branches branches branches branches tree Fall Leaves Fairytale Moss moss moss moss moss Wood Branch branch branch branch trees Day Fairy Park Branches branches branches branches trees Branch branch branch branch forest Branchy branchy branchy branchy branchy Green Natural Nature Branchy branchy branchy branchy woods Tree Moss moss moss moss green Branches branches branches branches forrest Branch branch branch branch branch Environment Outdoors Mossy mossy mossy mossy mossy Background Mossy mossy mossy mossy greens Plant Mossy mossy mossy mossy greeny Autumn Landscape Fog

A mossy tree in a mossy autumn forest. Branchy tree in moss. Autumn mossy branchy tree. Mossy branchy tree is royalty free stock photo by Nikolay Zaborskikh.
You can buy this royalty free stock image on Avopix.com and Shutterstock website.
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