A volunteer in a medical mask in the public transport station. Evacuation of tourists. Quarantine in Europe. Civil solidarity. Adaptation to life in self-isolation COVID-19, lockdown over Omicron wave • Royalty Free Stock Photo

Royalty Free Stock Image from Shutterstock 1048686931 by Viktor Lom

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Shutterstock ID 1048686931
Added March 20, 2020 (4 years ago)
Ratio 1.778
Duration 00:20
Aspect ratio 16:9
Adult NO
Low Resolution size (MOV) 426 x 240 px, 1.2 Mb, 30 FPS
Standard Definition size (MOV) 853 x 480 px, 4.1 Mb, 30 FPS
Original HD size (AVC1) 1920 x 1080 px, 39.7 Mb, 30 FPS

Categories: People DELETED

Background Boosting immune system Coronavirus disease Coronavirus infection covid-19 Difficulty in breathing Distributing vaccines and treatments Dry and persistent cough Economic challenges and job loss Economic impact of the pandemic Face mask Fatigue and excessive tiredness Flattening the curve Following quarantine and isolation guidelines Following respiratory etiquette High risk individuals Implementing preventive measures Implementing vaccination programs Importance of respiratory health Individuals with symptoms Loss of taste and smell Maintaining physical distance Management strategies at transportation hubs Managing public health crisis Mandatory mask wearing for passengers Mask-wearing and hygiene protocols Minimizing risk viral transmission Monitoring and tracking covid-19 Omicron variant Persistent high body temperature Practicing social distancing measures Prevent spreading infection Preventing spread infectious diseases Preventive measures safety protocols Protect against respiratory viruses Public health policies and programs Reducing passenger density safe travel Reflection person Respiratory virus prevention Safety guidelines during public transportation Sars-cov-2 Social distance Social distancing guidelines in transit Sore throat and hoarseness Staying home when feeling unwell Supporting health care workers Supporting healthcare systems Travel restrictions and quarantine measures Volunteer in a medical mask Vulnerable populations Wearing a medical mask

A volunteer in a medical mask in the public transport station. Evacuation of tourists. Quarantine in Europe. Civil solidarity. Adaptation to life in self-isolation COVID-19, lockdown over Omicron wave is royalty free stock photo by Viktor Lom.
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