Passenger person in covid-19 face mask with backpack walking at airport. Masked people entering or leaving in coronavirus facemasks arrival in pandemic. Flights facemask check, modern airport mask. • Royalty Free Stock Photo

Royalty Free Stock Image from Shutterstock 1081582718 by SibRapid

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Shutterstock ID 1081582718
Added November 1, 2021 (2 years ago)
Ratio 1.778
Duration 00:06
Aspect ratio 16:9
Adult NO
Low Resolution size (MOV) 426 x 240 px, 0.6 Mb, 25 FPS
Standard Definition size (MOV) 852 x 480 px, 1.4 Mb, 25 FPS
HD size (MOV) 1920 x 1080 px, 6.7 Mb, 25 FPS
Original UltraHD 4k size (APCN) 3840 x 2160 px, 349.4 Mb, 25 FPS

Categories: People DELETED

Activity enter Adult american Adventure epidemics Bags leaving Boarded masked Casual pandemics Crowded group Departures tourists Entering check Enthusiasm boarding Europe service Excitement arrival Experience departure Flights coronavirus Freedom passengers Glasses terminal Guys masking Hobby face Indoors awaiting Inside america International vaccination Journeys flight Luggage suitcases Males terminal Memories journey Men airport Moments travel New vacation Passenger facemasks Passion facing People airports Person airport Public runway Recreation arrivals Resort tourism Social runways Tension transportation Touisme coronaviruses Tourist terminals Traveler facemask Traveling checked Trips corona Vacations viruses Vaccine leave Walking backpacks Walking travelers Wearing glasses Working covid-19 World trip Young european

Passenger person in covid-19 face mask with backpack walking at airport. Masked people entering or leaving in coronavirus facemasks arrival in pandemic. Flights facemask check, modern airport mask. is royalty free stock photo by SibRapid.
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