Hyperlapse time-lapse of car traffic transportation above circle roundabout road in urban downtown Asian city at night. Drone aerial view, high angle. Public transport or commuter city life concept • Royalty Free Stock Photo

Royalty Free Stock Image from Shutterstock 1099383119 by Urbanscape

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Shutterstock ID 1099383119
Added January 25, 2023 (1 year ago)
Ratio 1.778
Duration 00:12
Aspect ratio 16:9
Adult NO
Low Resolution size (MOV) 426 x 240 px, 1.8 Mb, 25 FPS
Standard Definition size (MOV) 852 x 480 px, 6.9 Mb, 25 FPS
HD size (MOV) 1920 x 1080 px, 34.8 Mb, 25 FPS
Original UltraHD 4k size (APCH) 3840 x 2160 px, 1,092.5 Mb, 25 FPS

Categories: Technology DELETED

4k hyperlapse timelapse Big data cloud computing Billboard ad ads advertisement Building exterior structure infrastructure Business Capital landmark public location City road Civil engineering construction industry Communication job connect space Cyberpunk background cinematic commercial Developing country industrial evolution Digital computer network connection Drone high angle aerial view Fast lane busy drive Finance financial economy growth Fintech blockchain block chain Fly speed cross architecture Future vision advance circuit Futuristic neon night light Global corporate science development Gps map navigation system Highway express way expressway Hyper lapse time lapse Illuminated interchange bridge path Infinite infinity beautiful abstract Internet bandwidth 5g connectivity Junction intersection loop cycle Land vehicle rush hour Landscape central center above Logistic automobile electric electronic Metro metropolis metropolitan concept Outdoor life rush hour travel Scifi sci-fi cyber cyberspace Software encryption ai server Stock exchange money project Street round cityscape car Sustainable fuel energy power Tech innovation information technology Telecom telecommunication net link Thailand bangkok asia asian Trade currency online solution Traffic circle roundabout Transport Transportation Urban downtown commuter commute Virtual stream cpu processor Web site e commerce ecommerce Winding driveway forward direction Work journey people lifestyle World crypto cryptocurrency application

Hyperlapse time-lapse of car traffic transportation above circle roundabout road in urban downtown Asian city at night. Drone aerial view, high angle. Public transport or commuter city life concept is royalty free stock photo by Urbanscape.
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